
Mortgage Calculators

MortgagX's calculator tools are essential for every prospective homebuyer because they can help you to understand how much you can expect to borrow or how much you can expect your expenses to increase due to tax.

We have two calculators available on our app and online: an affordability calculator and a stamp duty calculator. We've outlined both of them below so you know which one is suitable for your needs.

Calculator Types

Affordability Calculators

With the affordability calculator, you can find out how much you can expect to borrow. This tool takes into account elements including your annual income, whether you have any dependents, your expected retirement age, and if you have any commitments to paying off other debts.

One of the advantages of choosing our affordability calculator over alternatives is that we'll never show you mortgages that aren't applicable to you, so you know upfront what your options are. We'll never mislead you or try and show mortgage rates that don't suit your current lifestyle.

Affordability Calculator

Borrow Between

Provided only as an estimate. This will be subject to underwriting and credit checks

Different rules may apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland

Stamp Duty Calculators

Find out how much stamp duty you'll have to pay for your property with our handy stamp duty tax calculator. Stamp duty rates may fluctuate over time, so it's important that you keep up to date with what your latest expected tax amount could be.

You'll need to know the sale price of your intended property or the offer you intend on making, in order to calculate your stamp duty payment. This is because the stamp duty tax is worked out based on price thresholds.

Stamp Duty Caluclator

Please enter the purchase price.

  • Moving Home
  • Second property
  • First time buyer




For further clarification, please contact your solicitor.

Different rules may apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland